
Twisting the Knife Chp 23: On My Signal

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text

While engaged in a riveting discussion about fear-induced bladder control problems, Guenther spotted a green flare up above and turned to the rest of his squad members. “Oh, I’m sure that’s the signal from Levi Heichou. We’ll rendezvous with him! Cut the chatter until we get back.” He landed on a branch and set off a green flare to reveal their location.

This is it. Annie, fully clothed in a Survey Corp cape that Erwin stashed away in a large cutout in his bundle of ‘paperwork’, rose to her feet. “All or nothing. Failure is not an option.” As she flew to their location the vanguard, minus Saskia, was already well ahead of them and riding out of the forest.

“Erwin…Why did you ask Levi to resupply? And where is Saskia? There’s no time to waste. You changed her position for a reason, after all.”

“The Female Titan was eaten. But did you see the person inside get eaten? I didn’t.”

Hanji turned to him and gasped. “You can’t mean…”

“Yes. If your original hypothesis was correct, and they can still move to a degree after regaining human form…And if they’d prepared Maneuver Gear in advance..The one within the Female Titan is wearing our uniform right now. The enemy is now camouflaged as one of our men. When the Colossal Titan vanished, whoever was inside had been wearing Maneuver Gear, so that they could escape in the steam. Don’t you think the same possibilities apply here?”

“Based on what we saw when Eren emerged from the Titan, we concluded it would be impossible. His equipment was destroyed and his uniform was gone. Above all, Eren was so weak he couldn’t even stand unassisted,” she reminded.

“The Female Titan was able to attract other Titans with its cry. We failed to predict this and the operation failed.” Had Saskia remembered that right away the plan would have fallen apart. Annie would not have been able to fake her death and escape. “If Titan abilities vary depending on skill it was a mistake to use Eren, a total novice, as the basis for our assumptions. If we are to outwit the enemy we’ll need to think outside the box. If the enemy has some way to retain its strength it may be able to transform once more. Here’s what I have gleaned from this battle…If we only focus on making the best moves, we will never get the better of our opponent. When necessary, we must be willing to take big risks, and be prepared to lose everything. Unless we change how we fight humanity cannot win!”

He made sure not to answer her question about Saskia’s current location. Hanji was lost in thought and didn’t press for further details. She did recall from her cadet days Saskia trying to explain to Shardis the strange Titan she saw six years ago, presumably the same one they did in fact encounter today, having some sort of ability. Shardis brushed it off as a deviant type. Saskia may have forgotten the aforementioned ability as the focus was placed on capture of the Titan, not the Titan itself. What didn’t make sense was why the one in charge of the operation seemed unaware of the Female Titan’s scream, when he too defended her assertion six years ago.

Far behind them, as Erwin explained the situation to Hanji, Annie almost completely beheaded and dismembered Guenther. The shock from the sudden attack left Eren immobilized, hanging from his gear and staring at the remains of the soldier in disbelief. Auruo grabbed him by the collar and pulled him forward.

“Eren, don’t stop! Onward!” He threw him forward, forcing him to activate his gear or risk falling to the ground below.

“But Guenther!” He noticed a cloaked figure and immediately recognized it as the one who killed his comrade. “Who’s there?!”

“Damn it, what do we do?” Auruo called back to his remaining squad members. “Erd, where should we go?”

“There isn’t time to reach the horses! Head for HQ as fast as you can!” he ordered, wondering where their captain was.

“Is it from the Female Titan? Or is there more than one of them?”

“Damn you…How dare you?! Come at me!” Petra challenged. How could General Saskia have not noticed this unidentified presence? Where is she? And Levi Heichou? “I’ll defeat you, even if it kills me!”

Having been ordered to follow on horseback, Saskia was far behind them and could overhear the commotion ahead caused by the squad but she had yet to find Levi, which was stranger still. Out of all the people she should have been able to identify by sound alone he was at the top of the list. Her attempt to listen for him but interrupted by a burst of dark yellow lightning, startling her horse.

“She has returned.” She snapped at the reigns. “Now is not the time to succumb to fear, Iolana! There is an enemy to dispose of!”

Eren continued forward through the treetops as Squad Levi fell behind to engage the Female Titan, watching over his shoulder in amazement at their ability to coordinate without speaking and having lost a squad member. That is, until Erd was caught between its teeth and cut in half. His legs fell to the ground and she spit out the upper half of his severed corpse. Petra was losing her composure and Auruo was too focused on helping her than fighting the enemy. Whether or not it was instinct or rage that overtook him was inconsequential; Eren turned around and unleashed his ultimate weapon, the beast within.

Directly ahead, directly behind, and diagonally ahead Mikasa, Saskia, and Levi all heard Eren’s distinguishable roar as another yellow burst of light erupted from midair. The cadet turned around, Saskia sped forward, and Levi shifted his course back in a forty-five degree angle. While on his way to the battle between shifters Levi casually went by Guenther’s severed body, overhead the two halves that once made up Erd, and brutally beaten Auruo. It was when he noticed Petra, smashed against a tree with a snapped spinal cord that he stopped.

That Morning, Survey Corps Headquarters, 3:29 AM

Finally get Saskia to shut up about talking to Petra and I can’t find the damned ginger… Levi mentally griped as he oversaw the cadets enjoying what would be the last meal for some, leaning against the far back wall of the floor above. Saskia was down below with them doing her best to ease their anxieties. Then again…I am mildly distracted…

“Levi Heichou!”

He turned to his right and saw Petra running up to him. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you. I need to talk to you right away. It’s very important.”

He skeptically raised an eyebrow at her but shrugged it off. “I’m listening.”

“Could we please speak in private?” she asked biting her lower lip.

Damn it…I was enjoying the view. “Fine. My office. Exactly what did you want to talk about?” He unlocked the door and let her in, leaning against it after closing it behind him.

She took a deep breath and clasped her hands together. “General Saskia.”

Did she use her name? Am I hearing things or is she intoxicated? “What about her?”

“I…” She hung her head. “I’m so sorry.”

“Speak up, Ral. And if you’re going to apologize for something look me in the eye.”

She nodded and glanced up. “I’m so sorry for everything. I know that over the past few months my behavior has been childish, petty, and inappropriate. I don’t say that only because she is my superior officer. With competition like that I didn’t stand a chance. But can you blame a girl for trying?”

“Competition? What the hell are you talking about?”

“Don’t play dumb.” She forced a laugh and then brought her fists up to her chest. “Listen to me Heichou. I do truly care about you and I want you to be happy. All I’ve ever wanted for you is to find the happiness you deserve. Even if I can’t be the one to bring you that happiness.” She ran a finger along her eye to wipe away a few stray tears. “I can understand why you’re attracted to her. She’s very smart, she’s so kind and caring, passionate and dedicated, and she is very pretty. Her strength and fortitude are amazing but that’s hardly surprise because of how she was raised. What is surprising is that, even though she was raised to be a hardened soldier and has seen more death than any of us, she smiles more than anyone else here. But most importantly you seem so at ease around her no matter what the situation. The two of you must share a very deep bond, one I don’t think anyone else could ever understand, because your pasts are similar.”

…that was painless. “Saskia has been bitching at me for months to tell you that. She didn’t like that I was ‘stringing you along’ and wanted you to be able to find that same happiness. Even if she and I aren’t...involved.” That was close. “She made it pretty damn clear that I was being a dick for letting you cling to false hope, or however the hell she put it. I’d been putting off the conversation because I hate apologizing, regardless of whether or not it’s warranted. I tend not to give a shit. Habit.”

“She…she really felt that way?”


“No.” She shook her head. “I really shouldn’t be. That’s just the kind of person she is, isn’t she?”

“Tch. Compassionate to a fault. For better and for worse.”

“Then…then I have a request. Stay with her. Stay with her and get married -but don’t forget to invite us to the wedding- and have lots of adorable, brilliant children who grow up to be amazing soldiers like the two of you and be happy together forever and-”

“Petra, Petra, shut up and calm the hell down,” he briskly interrupted her ramble, putting up a hand to silence her. She was clearly trying to convince herself that was how she wanted him to find happiness, but her sentiment about wanting him to be happy was genuine. “One thing at a God damn time. Saskia and I aren’t even-”

“I told you not to play dumb. Everyone knows Heichou. If not now, soon enough. And the sooner the better. I’ve heard rumors that the cadets have started a betting pool on how long it’s going to take. Apparently it was Eren’s idea.” She exhaled slowly. “Can you promise me that you’ll try to be with her, no matter what? That you won’t let anything stop you, especially yourselves? Promise me that you’ll let yourself be happy.”

Let myself?


I promise. Resolve amplified he continued on towards the battle of the shifters. Down below he saw Iolana head towards the route they took when they entered the forest to make an exit. Levi didn’t see Saskia leave and there was no way the horse could’ve possibly heard a whistle to get her attention, which meant Saskia was still somewhere in the forest no doubt heading in the same direction as him. Without her horse with her it would be harder to make a quick getaway, as there was no longer any point to remaining inside to engage the Titans. There was only one thing that could have caught her attention, the fight between Eren and the infiltrator. But if she was still inside and Levi hadn’t noticed her that meant she had been far behind him the entire time.

Didn’t Erwin order her to stay beneath me, not behind me? Doesn’t matter. I need to find Eren. And the bitch responsible for their deaths… He took one last look at his squad and then pressed forward.

Saskia was closer, having utilized her parkour-like movement to get there as quickly as possible. In between her and a helpless, crestfallen Mikasa was the Female Titan pulling Eren out from his beheaded Titan and holding him captive in her mouth. As she began sprinting off Mikasa’s grip on her blades tightened and she clenched her teeth.

“Mikasa!” Saskia called to her. “Pursue! We have to get Eren back at all costs!”

“Why?! So you can use him as bait again?!” she screamed as she propelled forward.

“Of course not!” the General replied, appearing out of nowhere by her side. “Because I do not want to lose him. Especially not to the likes of her. Levi should still be in here somewhere. With our abilities combined she has no hope of leaving the forest with Eren. To hell with whether or not she lives or dies! If she lives, we find her again, next time more prepared! No matter what we WILL save Eren! Go and distract her! Buy me as much time as you possibly can. I will do what I can to sneak up on her and get Eren out of her mouth!”

Mikasa nodded. Don’t need to tell me twice. “Give…” She moved even faster. “Give Eren back!” She spun past the Female Titan’s face and sliced into her cheek. She continued to swarm her, attacking her shoulder, thighs, anything and everything she could possibly hit.

She is acting out of anger, Saskia observed from behind. Her movements are sporadic, uncoordinated, and irrational. If you want Eren back you cannot attack blindly! An exposed area is not always a weak spot! She remembered the pressure point hidden behind the ear Levi taught her about the hard way. Damn it Levi, where are you?!

Mikasa had inflicted enough damage to cause the Titan to lose its balance; lacking endurance and already running at a slower pace than before, she was vulnerable to even the most basic attack now that she was on her hands and knees. It wouldn’t take long for her to recover however and Saskia could no longer wait for Levi to appear and assist. But with Mikasa acting so rash and recklessly it was almost impossible to hone in without running the risk of tangling cords or worse, hitting Mikasa herself.

“Why won’t my blades penetrate? I know that he’s alive…I know that Eren’s alive! No matter where she goes, I’ll kill her, rip her apart, and get you out of that filth. I’m sorry Eren…Just wait a little longer…”

Not like that, you won’t. Stupid child. Mikasa was about to continue her assault but a strong arm gripped her torso and pulled her back. Look up she saw Levi holding her back. “Fall back for now.” He too recognized her erratic behavior interfering with her ability to fight properly. He need not ask where Saskia was, intuition screaming at him that she was nearby, ready and willing. “Maintain this distance,” he ordered and they followed the Titan, a considerable amount of space between them. “It may be tired. It does not appear to be going very fast. He seems to have been bit right out of the neck. Is Eren dead?”

Mikasa looked ready to kill Levi for even suggesting such a thing. “He’s alive,” she asserted. “The target appears intelligent, and its goal seems to be capturing Eren. If it wanted him dead, it would’ve crushed him. The target is fighting to escape after going through the trouble of putting him in its mouth.”

“Its goal may have been to eat Eren. If that’s the case, he’s in its stomach. It’s more reasonable to assume that he’s dead,” Levi replied casually, trying to keep Mikasa’s state-of-mind as open and realistic as possible.

“He’s alive!”

“I hope you’re right.”

She glared at him. “If you’d only protected Eren, this wouldn’t have happened!”

“I see…You’re the one from back then.” The Ackermann girl. “Eren’s close friend?” ‘Adopted sister’ my ass. “We’ll limit ourselves to a single goal. First, give up on killing the Female Titan.”

“It killed many of our comrades!” she protested.

I’m aware. “As long as it can harden its skin, we can’t kill it. Do as I say. We’ll pin our hopes on Eren still being alive, and rescue him before it leaves the forest. I will tear away it…You draw its attention!”

“General Saskia ordered me to distract it by engaging it so she could launch a surprise attack, hoping it wouldn’t notice her in time to harden its skin. Seems she taught you well,” Mikasa retorted before continuing on with the original plan Saskia devised.

Perhaps she did. Though she’s taking her sweet ass time getting here. As he kept his eye on the target, Mikasa hacking away at whatever parts she could make contact with, the Titan noticed she was being pursued from behind. She spun around and launched her right arm at him.

Saskia watched in awe as Levi spun up the shifter’s arm like a tornado, temporarily disabling the limb. As he flew around her, penetrating its eyes to blind and damage the other three limbs to immobilize her, she wondered what inspired such a fierce attack, then noticed four absent soldiers. …where is his squad? Her green eyes widened. “Dear God, no,” she breathed. Her heart began racing as she braced herself for what was to come. She knew she was the only one who could console him and the only person he willingly cried in front of, but after this he may very well try to level the headquarters or even Wall Rose itself. For the first time since she began going outside the walls General Saskia was nowhere to be found; instead Saskia the confused and upset young woman occupied her skin. She couldn’t even imagine how contorted and mangled the bodies of the four fresh wanderers of the plutonian shoreline became. She punched the tree she was watching from with the side of her fist. She left a deep indent, her hands and wrist covered in deep scratches. Her teeth grit, eyes dark and narrowed she watched with sadistic delight as he hit the back of the neck and the Titan tumbled down, backed up against one of the large trees. Her eyes perked up when she caught glimpse of pillars of steam in the distance, taking that as her cue, but then quickly darted her gaze to Mikasa.

Insurmountable rage began boiling inside of her but she held back. This shifter killed Levi’s squad, the people he was closest to second to her and Erwin, and she had takenk Eren. This was Levi’s and Mikasa’s fight, but should their well-being become compromised she wouldn’t hesitate to jump in and protect them while attempting to slay the shifter.

Levi continued his relentless assault until the heavy head fell forward, exposing her weak spot. Mikasa’s pace slowed, giving Saskia the impression that she was contemplating her next move; or rather trying to decide whether or not she should go against whatever order Levi had given her. She latched into its shoulder, blades at the ready. Saskia’s eyes immediately turned to Levi.

“Stop!” he ordered but Mikasa paid no mind. Levi launched in her direction as pushed her out the way just in time to keep the Titan from smacking her, the hit no doubt shattering her bones to pieces should she have taken it. She gasped when she noticed the awkward way he landed on the Titan’s hand before continuing his assault. He split open her jaw, Eren resting on her massive tongue in a cocoon of saliva.

“Eren!” Mikasa cried. Levi took advantage of the few seconds he had left to retrieve the adolescent before she could regenerate, careful to land on his uninjured foot when doing so. He picked him up under one arm and landed on a branch not far from Saskia.

“Hey!” he called to Mikasa, well aware that she had every intention of continuing to fight the Titan now that it had been subdued to the point where she might stand a chance. “We’re getting out of here!”

“Eren…” Her face lit up in relief.

“I think he’s okay. He’s alive…But filthy. Forget about it,” he commanded as the blood coating his face began to evaporate. “We’ll retreat.” He briefly glanced at the Titan. “Don’t lose sight of the core objective. Is it more important to get what you want? Isn’t he an important friend?”

A repeat of six years ago. But this time Levi was there all along, and he saved Eren. “Be proud of your brother, Isabel,” Saskia whispered with a smile. “He really is the hero you always thought him to be.” She could’ve sworn she overheard a snarky voice to say ‘Told ya so!’.

“No, I…” Mikasa didn’t finish her sentence or even her thought as Levi sped off. He glanced over his shoulder once last time and widened his eyes in shock when he saw the Titan was crying. Whether it was because of a failure or guilt for her actions was likely to forever remain a mystery he had no intention of solving.


He immediately snapped his head upward, flooded with relief that she was there. He couldn’t think of a time he needed her more. Saskia jumped down and switched to 3D gear, situated between the two of them. “I’ll tell you everything when we get back,” he said in his usual monotonous tone, though he struggled to hide the overwhelming sadness with his forced façade of stoicism and apathy.

“And your foot?”

“Fine.” Of course you would notice…Thank you for not interfering with my battle. He gulped heavily, careful not to look down as they flew above what remained of his squad. If only you had come sooner… He inadvertently tightened his grip on Eren. But why did Erwin order her to stay behind?! If she had been here none of this would have happened! We would have captured her! They would…they would still be alive…

You may no longer have a squad but you still have a role to play as a Lance Corporal. Maintain the mask for just a little longer. “Levi.” Her firm tone brought him back to the present. “We will talk later. Until then…Do not think for even a fraction of a second that your foot is fine. Or ankle. If your horse cannot be located you are to ride Iolana on the way back to the wall. Am I clear?” She turned to Mikasa. “How are you fairing, Cadet Ackermann?”

“Fine now, General Saskia.”

“And physically?”

“No severe injuries to speak of.”

She nodded. “Good. Let us reconvene with the rest of the battalion.”

“General…Why didn’t you come sooner? If you were that far behind did you know she was still in the forest?”

Mikasa’s question was innocent curiosity; she didn’t fault her superior for obeying an order. Regardless the words stung, both out of regret for not coming sooner and because she knew Levi was wondering the same thing. “I have no justifiable reason for not coming. That said, I was confident in the abilities of those present. It would appear my faith was blind and a poor call of judgment.”

“You didn’t know,” Levi replied. He wanted to be angry with her for not coming sooner but had he done so he would be a hypocrite after his actions the day he almost killed her. There was a tinge of comfort in knowing that she had placed such strong faith in them despite lack of knowledge on what they would face. It seemed that she had been too far behind to have arrived in time anyway; she must have realized that not long before Levi saw the lone Iolana exiting the forest. “You were following orders.”

“I should have been here. I should have been prepared.”

“How many times must I tell you not to blame yourself for what happens out here?”

A grin of mirth graced her lips. “Until I become a miracle worker. How many times must I tell you that?”

This is worse than a lover’s spat. “General,” Mikasa began quietly as they neared the exit. “If I may…I agree with the Lance Corporal. You were given an order and you are the most dutiful and dedicated soldier in the corps. To disobey that order means you would have given in to your emotions.”

“Having an obligation to the corps means I have an obligation to the corps itself as a whole, not every command thrown at me. Remember what I taught you about there being room for emotion outside the walls.”

“Had you come and sustained a serious injury or died, you would have failed us all.”

“By dying?”

“By being weak enough to end up in that position in the first place.”

“That’s enough cadet,” Levi scolded, glaring at her as they reached their destination. He acted as though the drop was harmless but an immense pain shot through his leg when he hit the ground. He hid it well but Saskia knew better.

“She has a point,” Saskia responded. “Levi, it will be harder for you to carry Eren on foot. Take my horse.” She took Eren from him and he mounted Iolana, trying not to wince. “Moving on horseback only slowed me down. But I wanted her to be available in case of emergency. I believe your injury constitutes as such.”

At the head of the camp Saskia and Erwin were engaged in a bitter argument. Hanji and Mike watched with frustration and surprise.

“What happened in there? I thought she and Levi were supposed to work together.”

They were…But was it too late? “Who knows what happened?” she shrugged but Mike could smell a hint of deceit.

Near the back Mikasa approached the cart Eren’s unconscious form was laying in. She rested a hand on the sturdy wood and smiled softly, relieved beyond words that he was alive. When she turned her head she met a gruesome sight as soldiers continued to identify, or attempt to, and pile the bodies of their fallen comrades they retrieved. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Saskia approach Levi who stood before four wrapped up remains. “I wonder…if she is all he has now,” she murmured to herself. “A great burden to be someone’s one and only source of support. Unless of course…she is simply his one and only.”

Levi heard her footsteps behind him as he knelt down and began tear the badges off of their uniforms. He stood with minor difficulty, looking down at the bloody collection of fabric in his hands. She stood silently by his side, immediately relaxing both for his sake and out of respect for the four fallen.

“I didn’t tell her. She approached me and apologized for everything. She wanted me to promise that I would let myself be happy. She understood. She was upset, but she understood. She even addressed you as ‘General Saskia’. She seemed to regret the way she behaved towards you.”

“Did you make the promise?” she asked quietly. He nodded slowly. “You do not fault me for not having arrived sooner?”

“Ask me that again and I’ll beat the shit out of you.” His hands started to tremble. “If anyone is to be held accountable it’s me. I should have been the one to question Erwin and regroup with them. I failed to-”

“No,” she interrupted firmly but calmly. “If you say that then you imply that they would have been reliant on you. It undermines their strength…and the dedication, as made evident by their sacrifice.”

“This is uncomfortably familiar.”

“You and I both know these things happen more often than not…” she replied shakily, kicking at the ground. “This is not the appropriate place for this conversation.” She nodded to where their horses were located.

When they stopped he pocketed the badges he took from them and let his hands fall to his sides. “This is what I get for being close to people.”

“What about me?” she inquired, looking slightly hurt as she turned to face him. Six years…You have invested a great in these past six years. Do you regret it?

“Tch. I barely had a choice.” Both were surprised that he managed mildly humorous sarcasm. Speaking seriously again he said, “It was you or no one.”

“Yet you regret being close to people.”

He stood closer to her, hardly any space between them. “Yes. People. Plural.” His limp hand weakly reached out towards hers and she reflexively met him halfway, almost making him jump in surprise. With a gentle squeeze he elaborated. “One is enough. You’re all I need. A decision I’ll never come to regret.”

Fighting a blush she quietly cautioned, “Levi, you know that people are staring at us right n-”

“Tch. Let them. I don’t care. I’ve hit my breaking point. I’m numb to the fucking core, Saskia. I have little to care about anymore.” He leaned into her to take pressure off of his left foot, head against her shoulder. “Except this damn annoying sprain. Did Erwin explain his shitty plan? Placing us so far apart?”

No. He would not speak of it. But he did grow very irritated with me for questioning him. And now I face punitive measures.” She gulped. “Writing the letters to the families.”

“You’re fucking kidding.”

“I wish I could say I were. He seems more disappointed in my acting as infantry and not cavalry than he does our failure. When we get back, will you need to-?”

“Yes,” he interrupted, squeezing her hand even tighter. “Or does Erwin want you to start right away?”

“It can wait.” She smiled faintly. “Can I truly call myself ‘generalized’ if all I do is paperwork? That aside I feel that I have an obligation to my fellow soldiers. At the end of the day…we are only human.” She inhaled deeply. “Miserable humans. And we can only help protect humanity if we start by doing that very thing to those who come to us. Both on and off of the battlefield. You know I will always be here for you, until my dying breath.”

“I know.” There was no reluctance or hesitation, something she never expected from him, especially in a public setting. “As I said, only one. Like hell that one would be someone I couldn’t rely on. Like hell that one wouldn’t be the only person who ever went out of their way to show how reliable they are. You’re crazy but you’re the most dependable person I’ve ever known.”

She raised an eyebrow. “How many people have you ever truly known well enough to make the comparison?”

“Just shut up and take a compliment for once, idiot.”

“Considering the source I suppose I can make an exception. You stay off of that foot. I am going to go see how Eren is doing. I will probably remain there for the duration of the ride back, unless I am needed elsewhere.” With great reluctance she let go of his hand and went to the cart where the teenager was sleeping. Levi watched as she walked away until an argument elsewhere caught his attention.

Hanji and Mike saw from the distance, the latter smiling and the former quietly cheering, “Finally! Progress! If only this wasn’t what prompted it though…”

“Tragedy brings people together. It’s what brought them together in the first place.”

“True. But it isn’t what’s kept them together,” she added knowingly. “And right now they really need each other, probably more than they realize.”

Armin and Jean dropped another covered body onto one of the carts. “This is the part I never get used to,” Jean grumbled.

“No one does,” Armin said simply.

“How are my friends going to die? How am I going to die? It’s all you can think about.”

“I try not to dwell on it,” the blond said with mild encouragement. “If I pictured how I’m going to die, I probably wouldn’t be able to fight.

“Yeah,” he agreed as he knelt before an unidentified soldier. “You’re right.”

Connie and Sasha weren’t far from Levi and Saskia as they were tending to the other horses, but the animals obstructed any view they might try to take advantage of. It was one of the perks of their height, or lack thereof.

“How long will I stay alive?” he mused gloomily.

“You’re alive now, aren’t you?”

“For now.”

“Isn’t that a good thing?” she pressed. “You’re alive!”

“Can you say that in front of the bodies of those who aren’t?” he replied somewhat harshly. She had no response. “I might not be able to go home anymore…”

After the argument with the General, Erwin returned his attention to making a record of the deceased. “We’re almost done,” one of the squad leaders in charge of retrieval told him. “There were about five dead we couldn’t recover.” The number was borderline miraculously low, considering they were still in Titan-infested land.

“Not even a part of them?” Erwin asked, reading the roster of those who died during the expedition.

“They’re the only ones we couldn’t due to the Titans…It’s probably best for the families that we not bring those back,” the soldier advised.

“Say they’re MIA.”

“Yes sir. We saw several Titans near the forest, but none are headed this way as of yet.”

“We’re moving out now.” Erwin handed him the clipboard. “Tell all the squads.”

“Yes sir.”

As Erwin prepared to leave the voice of a frantic cadet behind him brought him to a halt. “I cannot accept this Commander Erwin! Oi, you!” He turned around to see the owner of the voice. “Ivan’s body was right in front of us!”

“There was a Titan right next to him,” the squad leader reminded. “It could result in another casualty!”

“If they attack we can just defeat them!” the cadet argued.

“Ivan’s an old friend. We’re from the same town,” a second cadet next to him added. “I know his parents. If nothing else, I’d like to bring him home!”

“Don’t be selfish!” the squad leader scolded.

Doing his best to heed Saskia’s advice about putting pressure on his foot and ankle, Levi slowly approached the confrontation. “Squabbling kids?”

“Lance Corporal,” the squad leader greeted.

“If you confirmed he’s dead, that’s enough. Whether you have the body, dead is dead. It won’t change anything.”

“No,” the second cadet murmured, unable to accept Levi’s words.

“We’ll say Ivan and the others went missing,” Erwin repeated firmly. “That’s my final decision. Give it up.” He departed, Levi following behind hoping to pull aside and change his mind about forcing Saskia to write every letter to the families. He couldn’t have possibly forgotten how Shardis had her do the same thing and it served as motivation for the changes in the formation.

“Don’t the two of you have any human feelings at all?!” the cadet yelled after them.

“Oi, Dieter, you’re going too far!” his squad leader scolded.

“Erwin, a word before we go.”

“You too?” He stopped and faced his second-in-command. “What is it?”

“Every letter? Every damn letter? That’s too much.”

“She disobeyed a direct order.”

He really is hung up on the order he gave, not the failed mission. “She has an obligation to the Survey Corps, not to every order you issue to her,” Levi echoed. “She was trying to fulfill that obligation.”

“And what good would that have done? Had she stayed with your squad she would have gone ballistic over all the soldiers dying behind you.”

Levi grit his teeth. What squad?! “Had she been positioned closer them, I might still have a squad,” he hissed before storming off.

Only minutes later the wagons and carts were finally loaded and everyone had mounted their steeds. Mikasa was riding alongside the cart Eren was in, Saskia sitting beside him.

“Thank you for riding with him, General Saskia.”

“Eyes forward, Cadet Ackermann,” she replied. “Do not compromise the formation. But you are welcome.”

“Yes ma’am.”

From the far back one of the riders in a cart for the deceased suddenly shouted, “Titans!” Two were charging in their direction, Dieter and his friend in front of them. They had a bundled body with them, no doubt their friend Ivan.

“That’s Dieter!” his squad leader, also in the cart, exclaimed. “That fool.” He fired a red flare.

“The rear line has sighted Titans!”

“Onward at full speed!” Erwin ordered.

Levi examined their surroundings. “I don’t see any tall trees or buildings. Fighting them out here will be difficult.”

“We’re better off outrunning them until we reach the walls.”

Levi clicked his tongue in disapproval and started to fall back.

In back one of the Titan’s swiped at Dieter, knocking Ivan’s lifeless form off of his horse. The other Titan grabbed the second cadet, prompting Dieter to fly off of his horse and onto the Titan to rescue him. The first continued on towards the corps. Saskia took notice and readied her blades.

“Don’t you dare,” Levi warned as he reached her side. “You’re in no better state than I am. There’s another way.”

“The weight,” she realized. He gave a single nod and continued to fall back as the squad leaders in the cart prepared for combat.

“They’re going to catch us!” Armin panicked, looking over his shoulder.

“Do we have to fight?” Jean asked almost as nervous as the blond.

“3D Manuever Gear has limited utility in open areas! And look…They just keep coming!”

“Then what do we do?! Where the hell is the General?! Isn’t this her specialty?!”

Armin noticed the pile of bodies in the cart, planning the same tactic as Levi and Saskia. “We…”

The cadet who had been grabbed was mercilessly devoured. Dieter’s labile state interfered with his ability to focus and he was quickly grabbed. Saskia gave Mikasa a nod of confirmation, she being one of the few cadets she trusted with such an operation and Mikasa rode back until she was within range. Her gear attached and she propelled upwards, annihilating the man-eater in seconds. A traumatized Dieter stumbled out of its hand.

“No! They’ll reach us!” a soldier cried as the second Titan closed in on them.

“I’ll get behind them,” his comrade replied. “I’ll draw their attention, then you-”

“No.” They turned to the right and saw Levi riding beside them. “Just abandon the bodies. They’ll reach us.”


“In the past, many bodies haven’t made it back. These guys aren’t anything special.”

“Are we doing this?! Are we really doing it?!” the first exclaimed, holding onto the pile as if the corpses were fragile porcelain dolls.

Levi looked over his shoulder, wishing he could engage, but the pain in his left leg erased any hope he had in defeating it. “Damn it,” he hissed.

“We have to!” The back of the cart opened and they began tossing the bodies out, lightening their weight dramatically. Armin and Jean couldn’t tear their eyes away.

Levi caught a final glimpse of Petra before her body was left behind to rot. I’m sorry you won’t have the chance to pursue the same happiness you wish for me.

Because of the Titan attack they were thrown off course and had to stop once in safer territory to determine their location and the best route back. Dieter, still visibly shaken, was approached by Levi.

“Lance Coporal…I…”

“This proves that they were alive. To me at least.” He handed Dieter a badge. “It was Ivan’s,” he lied. It was Guenther’s.

He left the sobbing cadet behind and went to the cart where Eren lay but Mikasa was there instead and told Levi that Saskia was with Erwin. He looked forward and saw the two of them talking but the tension was visibly diffusing. After the conversation ended they parted and Saskia looked around for Levi, eyes smiling when she saw him.

“Thank you,” she said as she ran up to him. “He revoked the punishment. He thought a great deal about what you had said, the obligation to the corps and not his every word. How is your leg?”

“It’s been better.”


“Tch. I’m walking, aren’t I?”

“With less difficulty than before, yes.” She pulled him aside so they could speak alone. “That cart. It was holding-”

He crossed his arms over his chest. “Either we lighten the load and outrun them or your dumb ass runs back there to try and fight them all. Did you send out Ackermann or did she decide to take action like a dipshit again?”

“She was close enough and I knew she could subdue the Titan. It was only one. But, Levi, I…”

“They’re just bodies. Had you ran out there the load may have gotten us one more to throw away. Not a risk worth taking.”

“That is why I did not engage. I only take a risk when I am confident that I can overcome.”

“And you weren’t confident? Don’t tell me you’re ill.” He covered his nose and mouth.

She chuckled softly. “No, no, it was not that. It was because there was already a plan in place, one which I had plenty of confidence in. You seem to be fairing well enough. Well enough to maintain the appearance that you are fairing well enough, that is.”

“The shock has worn off,” he murmured. “That doesn’t mean I don’t still need-”

“I know. When we get back.” She put her hands on his shoulders and ran them soothingly up and down his arms. “We will talk then,” she assured, the sound of her voice being all the balm he needed at the current.

“Thank you Saskia,” he whispered, hanging his head slightly. He could think of no other place in the world that was safer than her embrace.

Normally he would abhor showing ‘signs of weakness’ before others but…Soldiers are humans. Even Humanity’s Strongest. I think that he, above all, deserves some time away from all of this to recalibrate and to mourn. She was half-tempted to pull him in for a hug but she knew that would be too much, and it may very well elicit the emotional response he was fighting back at the moment.

“Thank you, General Saskia. Thank you for being there for him.”

Saskia’s back stiffened and she stopped moving, blinking in confusion. That voice…Am I hearing things? Levi noticed her strange sudden change in demeanor.

“What’s your problem?”

“Hm? Nothing, nothing. I thought I heard…I think the stress is beginning to wear me down. I may rest for the duration of the ride back.”

He flicked her on the forehead. “Don’t lie to me, idiot.”

“I am being serious! I must be overwhelmed.”

“If you say so. Everyone’s getting their shit together. Time to go.”

“Right.” Levi left, thinking she was behind him, but she was standing still, eyes wide. I must be hallucinating, she thought to herself as translucent outlines of Guenther gave a nod of approval, Erd shooed her in his direction, Auruo asked ‘What are you waiting for?’, and Petra smiled before thanking her one more time.

“Oi, Saskia! Unless you want to get left behind, get your ass over here!”

“I am coming, calm down!” she yelled as she caught up to Levi. If you see a sprightly little red-head please give her my regards.

“Ready to get shat on by angry civilians?”

She sighed. “You know that is my second least favorite part of expeditions.”

Wall Rose Eastern Gate, Karanese District, 9:52 AM

“Aren’t there fewer than there were this morning?”

“Man…Far fewer.”

“Another disaster.”

“Just this morning they left raising a ruckus, but they’re already back?”

“What was the point?”

“Who knows? But judging by the gloomy expressions they managed to waste more of our taxes, if nothing else.”

“Lance Corporal!”

Levi looked up and saw an excited older man approach him.

“My daughter is in your squad. I’m Petra’s father. Before she sees me, I wanted to talk to you. She sent me this letter. She mentioned that you respected her abilities enough to let her join your squad. That she was going to devote herself to you. Well, I guess she’s too starry-eyed to consider how her father feels! Well, as her father, I think it’s too early for her to marry. She’s still so young, with so much to experience…”

“You’re right,” Levi said stoically. “She’s too young.” I think it’s illegal to marry a corpse.

“Commander Erwin, answer us!”

“Did this expedition learn enough to justify the number of dead?”

“Do you think the dead have no regrets?”

“And the living don’t?” Saskia muttered to herself, squeezing her eyes tight. “What was Erwin thinking?...Perhaps it was a just a misunderstanding of orders given.” Anything otherwise would imply that…No. I refuse to believe my brother sabotaged that mission. He did all he could to prepare us for what we faced today, but even the Commander can only do so much when we all know so little…If I had only remembered that scream we could have slit her throat! So many lives were lost…And poor Eren no doubt blames himself. The military, the monarchy are going to be furious…

Eren sobbed in the cart, terrified of what the government had in store for them.


“You knew that she would fail, Captain?”

“We wanted her to, so go easy on the kid this time…if you can. You’re sharp Kseniya, worrying about Annie being stationed in Stohess. The plan is for the monarchy to summon Eren and determine his fate. Do you honestly think they’ll let anyone take their precious little shifter away from them? And how do you think he’s going to fight back? Not in human form. But lover boy has figured out far more than we hoped they would’ve uncovered by now. He knows too much about Saskia’s origins, and Erwin sent word that she’s already getting suspicious. I dare you to take a guess at who’s gonna start talking. We still need the last two walls destroyed, and Annie will have the chance to do that if she and Eren go at it again. But in the process…Blood’s going to be spilled in Stohess. Messmann’s blood.”

I had written a lot of this chapter beforehand, transcribing the episode and what not, but I've made some changes to the plot since then.  Apologies if it seems a little awkward, lacking flow, or continuity errors.  There is, to a degree, supposed to be some of the latter because of the dramatic irony going on.  And brace yourself for more shitty action sequences...

Transcriptions are from episode 21 and 22.

MESSMANN'S BLOOD?!  They're gonna kill Saskia?!  But wasn't Annie supposed to make sure not to kill her?!  Isn't she important to them?!  Or is Mikasa the Oriental they're after?!  WTF PEOPLE MAKE UP YOUR MINDS?!  JK they know what they're doing.  DO YOU?


The reason I had Levi lie about the badge is because we never see him go retrieve Ivan's and he already had four on him.

So, did I do a good job of showing Petra do a 180 (that 'redemption' I was talking about)? I wanted to go back to Erd's words of wisdom, and she did question whether or not squealing to Erwin was the right thing to do.

Saskia Messmann and Kseniya Volkova belong to me.  Everything else goes to Hajime Isayama.  Image is from episode 20.
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Pocchama11's avatar
The feels!!! :tears:

I always did love Petra, even before reading your own twist of the story, but damn that was sad . . .